Coors Field

Coors Field – The Outfield “Tonight”

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Coors Field was a blast and a quick walk from our hotel.  The day started with a fun Coors Rockies hat giveaway and Gage throwing absolute GAS in the pitching cage (38 mph).  We got chased away early because thunder storms rolled right through the area and cleared the stadium.  The day wrapped up back at “the hotel” with the Padres coming back for a STUNNING win in the 9th.

Ritz Carlton = Banged Up Courtyard

We crammed a TON of stuff into this short trip.  We started the trip with a hike at the Flatirons in Boulder.  Then, Sunday began with a Father’s Day run, just a few miles away.  And, Amy lost her phone and I had to walk all the way back to the race start line.  But, once we got back to the hotel, it was pretty seamless!

We stayed at the Ritz Carlton which we picked because we could walk to the game.  Which I love doing.  So much fun.  Although it was super cool that Gage could see Coors Field from the window by his bed, that was about the end of the awesomeness.  The Service was pretty rough and the room was a bit on the banged up side.  The door handle for our shower fell off and they never cleaned our room.  BUT!  After some complaining, they did give us a $100 voucher for food at the restaurant.

Speed Pitch

Now, we’ve done speed pitch before.  I think we did it when we were at Fenway Park.  But, for some reason, this time was extra fun.  Not sure but Gage started throwing GAS.  Even the guy working the booth made a comment about this little hard throwing lefty.  Anyhow, I wanted to document the occasion with the progression as he warmed up.  So fun!  Second to last toss?  38 MPH!

The Outfield Tonight

I’m all about fun baseball traditions and I absolutely love Charlie Blackmon.  He is a super talented baseball player and I love watching him play the game.  Him and Arenado.  But, the strangest thing would happen when he’d do his walkup and the walkup song would play.  The song that he either chose or was assigned to him was the song Your Love by The Outfield.  And, every time the song would get to the “tonight” portion of the song, in the creepiest way possible the whole crowd would say “tonight”.  Honestly, it sounded like a group of bored teenagers who just weren’t into it at all.

Anyhow, for some reason that is the one oddity that stuck with me from this trip.  Blackmon is a STUD but seriously, they need a better walkup song and routine for him.  Just doesn’t do him justice.

Hey Idiot, the Sprinklers Are On

One of the strange things that happened, very early in the game we noticed that there was a large puddle forming over down the first base line.  And, turns out, one of the automatic sprinklers turned on and flooded a corner of the field.  That was a 45 minute delay.  Hope someone had a good explanation!

Thanks for the fun Rockies!  And, thanks for the last inning loss to the Padres. 🙂

Coors Field Panorama

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