Graniteman Half Marathon

Graniteman Half Marathon – Where am I?

The Graniteman Half Marathon in Sauk Rapids Minnesota had a memorable finish.  The race announcer was on the loudspeaker barking out names and hometowns as I crossed the finish line.  When the gentleman got to my name (as I crossed the finish) he said something to the effect of, “Von Holbrook from San Mateo, California ….. San Mateo?  I hope this guy knows someone here and didn’t travel here just for the race.”

Of course I traveled here (there) just for the race, thanks man.

Where Am I?

I was 70 miles northwest of Minneapolis in a place that is beautiful but felt very far from home.  This was the first time I felt like I was in a foreign land in the continental United States.  The drive from Minneapolis to Sauk Rapids was scenic, green but seemed endless.  The town of Sauk Rapids is small and quaint but I was already excited about leaving.

The race morning wasn’t fun.  This particular morning I had anxiety about the race.  Likely just feeling out of place I guess.  Here’s the good and the bad news, bad news first.  The bad news is that around mile seven I was running along a country road next to a corn field and feeling like I was going to puke.  Not fun.  And, gulping a GU down with a chug of water didn’t help matters.  The good news is that by mile thirteen it had dissipated.  It stands to reason that with the race finished I could chill out, think about a 70 mile drive to Minneapolis and the cold beer that awaited me.  It was time to start my trek home.

I planned this race last minute and it serves me right.  Minnesota is a beautiful state and next time I visit, I will find a slightly larger race to run.

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